Church Records at Forney Historic Preservation League Online Resources First Baptist Church of Forney Jun 1904 The Fifth Sunday meeting convened at the appointed time Friday before Fifth Sunday in May. The programme was carried out as announced. Attendance very good and meeting very profitable. L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl After preaching on Saturday before the second Sunday in June by the pastor the church met in conference. The clerk and minutes of previous meeting being absent - no business was transacted. Conference adjourned. P.C. SCOTT, Mod. The 2nd Sunday and Saturday before in July there was no meeting. L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl. Forney Baptist Church commenced a series of meetings July 17th with Bro. P.C. SCOTT as preacher and continued to July 31, 1904. Had a good meeting with 13 additions as follows: Bro. J.G. NALLS and wife E.A. NALLS, Mrs. J.R. ALPHIN, Mr. R.A. ADAMS and wife R.J. ADAMS, Bro. A.J. KINCAID and wife by letters. Bro. J.R. ALPHIN by restoration after statement Sister J.R. ALPHIN by letter, Miss Lou HEARE, Mr. George ALPHIN, Mr. Thomas CARDEN, Mr. M. SHEERER by baptism and Ex. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 4 p.m. May 12, 1912 2. Motion and sec. that the moderator appoint a committee of three to draft order of business for and present it to the conference on next 4th Lord's day at 4 oclock p.m. for notification - carried. Committee J.T. MILLER, A.C. FITZGERALD and J.C. GARNER. Motion and sec. to adjourn to 4th Sunday 4 oclock p.m. May 24, 4 oclock p.m. 1. Conference called by pastor. Report of committee called. Committee responded with the following form of business. First - call house to order. Sec. - Invite visiting Brethren to seats. Third - Acknowledgement Fourth - The peace and fellowship of this church. Fifth - Extend the privilege of church or opportunity for membership. Sixth - Reading to approval minutes of previous meetings. Seventh - Rev_____ or unfinished business. Eight - New Business. J.C. GARNER, J.T. MILLER, A.C. FITZGERALD and Pastor H.A. CONWAY Comm. At the meeting service, letters of dismission granted to Bro. and Sister J.R. ALPHIN and Bro. and Sister G.B. SPILLMAN. Conference adjourned. H.A. CONWAY, Mod J.C. GARNER, Clerk